Josh Rizzo

52 Lessons – 2023

Rock formation in the ocean at sunset with foaming waves in the foreground.

Fear is a prerequisite for courage. We can deepen our relationship with fear by stepping into the unknown more often — practicing courage. Fear is a friend of ours – especially non-lethal fear. We can recognize it, accept it, and work with it to embody courageous action. What we create within ourselves, we create around […]

“Big Doors Swing on Little Hinges” Thoughts on Habits and Intentional Action

telescope pointed towards mountain landscape

If you’ve spent any time around me, you’ve probably heard me talk about intentional action. It’s foundational for me on my path – as well as for those I serve, coach, and mentor. I get to serve in many different capacities these days. And whether it’s someone suffering with deep, generational trauma, an elite performer […]

The Most Beautiful Thing We Can Do Is Listen

sunset landscape on the beach

Early in my corporate career, I got the chance to spend quality one on one time with a senior executive (Russ Kerstetter) in the Fortune 100 company where I worked. I asked him what piece of advice he wished he would have had 25 years ago. He asked for some time and said he’d answer […]

From Kill to Chill

Mountain landscape with Josh Rizzo and a dog on a rocky path

From my early days at West Point, I can still smell the grass and see my lane up the mountain on the bayonet assault course. When we first started our field training, we would strike tires and dummy enemies with our bayonets, while rendering our battle cries of: “Kill, Kill, Kill!” This didn’t seem out […]

Formal Reflection (my 10-minute journaling practice)

lake with reflections of snow-capped mountains and a forest

Journaling is something I’ve done on and off most of my life, however I hadn’t been doing it consistently for the past couple years. I’m constantly recording notes during the day comprised with feelings, insights, revelations, and anything that seems like wisdom I should remember or share. I started journaling consistently again in December 2020. […]

Don’t Wait Till the Eulogy

Sunset over a rocky coastline with a bird on a silhouette rock and sun rays reflecting on wet sand.

Don’t wait till the eulogy. By the age of 25, I had attended more funerals than a man should in several lifetimes. In a green suit with white gloves, fighting back tears, I presented folded flags to widows from my knees. I heard hundreds of rounds fired into the sky, saluting the fallen Soldiers. And […]

Talk About the Hard Stuff

smiling Josh Rizzo posing on hike with mountain in the background

Something I’ve always believed about teams is that their ceilings are established at the point where they’re uncomfortable communicating. In other words, we’re only going to be as good as the hardest conversation we’re willing to have. This is because most people are afraid of the truth. We’re afraid to stand up and be seen. […]